what is H&P™?

planner, journal, coloring book & life coach in a beautiful faux leather notebook.

the framework

We reflect, visualize & practice in cycles that coincide with our calendar.


Each week, month, season, & year - our reflection pages guide us to name our strengths, curiosities, insights & more. This process changes the neural pathways in our brains to focus on what’s working in our lives, instead of dwelling on what isn’t.


Our signature visualizing pages combine a variety of mindfulness, productivity, and goal setting techniques that helps us understand how our choices make us feel.

Different than a to-do list, our process teaches us how to notice why things happened or didn’t. This leads to small, lasting shifts that come from our reflection insights over time.


The last stage of Hustle & Play™ is practicing what reflecting & visualizing has taught us. This is literally living our daily lives, and translates as daily gratitude & habit tracking in our guidebooks.